hotel marketing

Boutique Hotel & Vacation Rental Marketing Essentials - Content Marketing

Are you getting the most out of content marketing? Boost your property's bookings by using content marketing to build trust and engage guests. Discover essential tips to position your property as a top choice for travelers.

hotel marketing
July 22, 2024

Content Marketing: Make Your Property a Trusted Resource

Content marketing is not just a tool; it's your key to standing out in the hospitality world. By sharing valuable information, you attract potential guests, build trust, and boost bookings. Let's jump into how this powerful strategy can make your property the go-to spot for travelers.

Blogging About Local Attractions and Events

Blog about local happenings to draw more attention to your property. This informs your audience and shows that you're a local expert, which can be a big draw for potential guests.

Spotlight Local Attractions

Write engaging posts about must-see spots like museums, parks, and entertainment venues. Share tips on the best times to visit and what makes these places unique.

✅ Next Steps: Identify 5-10 local attractions. Visit each one, take photos, and gather unique tips. Draft blog posts highlighting each attraction, focusing on what makes them unique.

Update on Local Events

Keep your readers informed about upcoming festivals, shows, and cultural activities. Provide guides on what to expect and how to make the most of these events. Mention any special deals your property offers during these times.

✅ Next Steps: Create a calendar of local events for the next 3-6 months. Research each event and write detailed guides. Coordinate with local event organizers for exclusive offers for your guests.

Creating Downloadable Guides and Itineraries

local ebook guides for guests
These are covers from ebooks developed each for different target audiences. The great thing is that tidbits can easily be used in social media, in-room materials, emails, and newsletters. These three are part of a series that was also sold on Amazon.

Offering downloadable resources such as guides and itineraries before guests arrive not only provides them with more value but also presents an opportunity to grow your email list through sign-ups.

Comprehensive Guides

Put together guides with information about the area, including where to eat, shop, and explore. Offer these guides in exchange for email sign-ups to grow your list.

✅ Next Steps: Compile information on local dining, shopping, and attractions. Use a design tool like Canva to create a visually appealing guide. Add a sign-up form on your website to download the guide.

Curated Itineraries

Design itineraries for different types of travelers, whether they're families, solo adventurers, or thrill-seekers. Provide daily schedules, activity suggestions, and dining recommendations.

✅ Next Steps: Develop 3-5 themed itineraries. Research and select activities and dining options for each itinerary. Format these itineraries into downloadable PDFs.

💡 You can create personalized itineraries for guests in no-time with Smart Pineapple.

Sharing Guest Stories and Testimonials

Let your guests share their experiences through stories. Testimonials are a powerful way to build trust and highlight what makes your property unique.

Gather Stories

Encourage guests to share their experiences via reviews, social media, or direct messages. Feature these stories on your blog and social channels.

✅ Next Steps: Set up a process to collect guest stories. Ask for feedback during check-out and follow up via email. Share standout stories on your blog and social media.

Showcase Testimonials

Display positive feedback from guests on your website and marketing materials. Authentic testimonials sway potential guests and boost your credibility.

✅ Next Steps: Curate a selection of the best testimonials. Add these to a dedicated testimonial page on your website. Use quotes in marketing materials and social posts.

Collaborating with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses is about more than business. It's about building a community. These collaborations enhance your guests' experiences and create a sense of belonging and shared success for everyone involved.

Local Partnerships

Team up with nearby restaurants, shops, and attractions to offer exclusive deals or packages for your guests. This adds value to their stay while supporting your local community.

✅ Next Steps: Identify potential local partners. Reach out to discuss collaboration opportunities. Create joint marketing materials to promote the partnerships.

Unique Local Experiences

Work with local tour operators and activity providers to offer exceptional experiences like guided tours or cooking classes. This will enrich your guests' stay and strengthen ties with local businesses.

✅ Next Steps: Contact local tour operators and activity providers. Negotiate special offers or packages for your guests. Promote these experiences on your website and in emails.

Optimizing for Mobile and Tracking Performance

mobile friendly content

Your content should look great on any device and be easy to track for performance.

Optimize for Mobile

Ensure your emails and content look fantastic on any device. Responsive design makes this easy.

✅ Next Steps: Test your website and email templates on various devices. Make the necessary changes to ensure a seamless mobile experience. Use tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test.

Track Performance

Monitoring open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates is not just a task, it's a critical part of your continuous improvement. By refining your strategy based on these metrics, you ensure your content is always at its best.

✅ Next Steps: Set up analytics tools like Google Analytics and email marketing dashboards. Regularly review key performance metrics. Adjust your content strategy based on the data.

Standout in the Crowd

Content marketing positions your property as a valuable resource and a must-visit destination. By blogging about local attractions, creating helpful guides, sharing guest stories, and collaborating with local businesses, you attract and engage potential guests. Use these tips to make your property stand out and drive more bookings.

By adopting these strategies, you provide value to your readers, helping them see your property as more than just a place to stay but a destination in itself. This leads to increased bookings and a stronger reputation in the competitive hospitality market.

Let us help you with the heavy lifting

Enter Smart Pineapple, your trusted ally in the realm of small / boutique hotel and vacation rental marketing. We offer a suite of custom AI-powered marketing tools that can dramatically enhance your guest house's online presence and attract a broader audience. Our AI algorithms meticulously analyze guest preferences and behaviors to craft personalized marketing strategies that deeply resonate with your target demographic.

With Smart Pineapple, you can automate various marketing endeavors, from creating captivating social media content to orchestrating email campaigns. We understand your time is precious as a small guest house owner; let our AI marketing tools handle intricate tasks while you focus on delivering unparalleled guest experiences.

Smart Pineapple has a blog builder that can help you write relevant SEO-friendly blog posts in about 3 minutes. Sign-up today and get your first month free.