
The Lazy Hotelier's Guide to Blogging

Blogging’s like giving your guests a sneak peek behind the curtain – it builds trust, boosts bookings, and keeps your place in the spotlight. Think of it as the ultimate guest magnet with a personality!

October 7, 2024

The Lazy Hotelier’s Guide to Blogging: How AI Does All the Work

Let’s be real: as a hotelier or vacation rental owner, your to-do list is already jam-packed. Who has time to blog? I get it. I ran my own property for years, and squeezing in blog posts felt like adding a workout class to an already chaotic schedule. But here's the thing: blogging has become a standard in the industry, and it can really boost your visibility. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed at the mere thought of starting a blog, you’re not alone.

When I first heard about using AI for blogging, I had a ton of doubts. “Isn’t AI just for big companies?” “Can it really sound like me?” “Won’t it just end up being expensive and a hassle to use?” Trust me, I was skeptical too. But after trying it out, I found that AI gave me back precious time without sacrificing quality. Now, I want to show you how AI can make blogging less of a burden and more of a breeze. Let’s break down how you can use AI to get all the blogging benefits without the stress.

The Pros of Using AI for Blog Writing

✅ 1. Save Time and Boost Efficiency (A.K.A. Be a Blogging Genius in Minutes)

You’re busy juggling bookings, guest experiences, and keeping everything running smoothly. Blogging might seem like just another task you don't have time for. But what if AI could handle most of the work for you? AI tools like Jasper, or can generate blog content faster than you can say "check-in." Suddenly, blogging isn’t a chore—it’s a five-minute magic trick. That's assuming you know the right questions to ask or commands to give.

- Imagine AI handling those tedious tasks like drafting seasonal updates or writing summaries of guest reviews—done in minutes.

- Have one of those days where you just need something out there to keep your audience engaged? AI’s got your back.

Lazy Tip: Use AI to churn out a basic draft. Then, toss in your own insights to make it sound like you (you know, the charming hotelier that you are).

✅  2. Keep Your Message Consistent (Even When You’re Too Busy to Care)

Maybe you’ve heard the term “brand voice” tossed around and thought, “I don’t have time for that!” But your blog is an extension of your property's personality. The tone you use is what makes your guests feel like they know you. Yet, with everything on your plate, worrying about tone every single time you write a post just isn’t realistic.

This is where AI comes in. Tools like Surfer SEO and MarketMuse can help maintain that consistent vibe, no matter how hectic your day gets.

- Whether you’re aiming for a warm, chatty tone or something more polished, AI keeps it on point across all your posts.

- Just train the AI to match your style, and voilà—content that feels cohesive and true to your brand (even when you’re barely awake).

Takeaway: Not sure what your brand voice is? No worries! Think about how you want guests to feel—relaxed, informed, or inspired. Let AI take it from there.

✅ 3. Cut Costs, Not Corners

Here’s a doubt I had: “Won’t this just be another expensive tool that ends up collecting dust?” Hiring a professional writer or agency can burn a hole in your budget—yikes. But here’s the beauty of AI: it produces content at a fraction of the cost. It’s perfect for knocking out first drafts, giving you a solid foundation without hours of staring at a blank screen.

- For small hotels or vacation rentals, AI allows you to get regular blog content without breaking the bank.

- You get to keep your budget intact while still reaping the benefits of having fresh content.

Lazy Tip: Let AI draft the bones of your posts, then sprinkle in your stories and insights for that personal touch.

✅ 4. Optimize for SEO Without Losing Your Mind

"SEO? No thanks!" If you've ever had this thought, you're not alone. SEO can feel like an impossible puzzle. But guess what? AI tools like SEMrush and Frase can do the heavy lifting. They analyze competitors' content, find keyword gaps, and even suggest optimization strategies—no need to burn the midnight oil on SEO crash courses.

- AI scans data to find out what your potential guests are searching for, then suggests how to align your content with those interests.

- It’ll even recommend headlines, content structure, and meta descriptions to give you that SEO boost you’ve been dreaming of.

Takeaway: Train your AI to know your target keywords, making SEO feel less like a chore. Bonus points for using tools like Grammarly (one of my faves) to clean up any grammar blunders.

✅ 5. Add a Personal Touch Without Lifting a Finger

Here’s a common concern: “Can AI actually write like me?” The answer: Yes, with a bit of help! AI can adapt to your specific preferences, helping tailor your blog's tone and style without you having to do much of anything. Whether your guests are adventure-seekers or families in need of a retreat, AI's got the draft covered.

- Customize AI settings to match your property’s vibe, so your posts come out looking and feeling spot-on.

- Have different guest personas? AI can create content that speaks directly to each type, keeping them coming back for more.

Lazy Tip: Use AI to generate messages for different guest types, then tweak them to make sure they’re 100% you.

Real-World Success Stories: Lazy Hotelier Edition

- Boutique Hotel in San Francisco: One boutique hotel used Jasper to create weekly posts about local events. The result? A 20% increase in organic website traffic in just three months. And they didn’t spend hours glued to their laptop.

 - Vacation Rental Owner in the UK: This savvy owner used Surfer SEO to optimize their content and saw a noticeable jump in search rankings and direct bookings. Proof that AI does pay off!

The Cons of Using AI for Blog Writing (Because, Let’s Be Honest...)

❌ 1. AI Can’t Replace Your Unique Spark

AI is smart, but it’s not you. Guests love stories that reflect your unique experiences and personality. AI might churn out content quickly, but it won’t have that magic touch that only you can add.

Takeaway: Use AI for the basics, but rely on your voice to tell the stories that make guests want to book your place.

❌ 2. Limited Emotional Intelligence (Yep, It’s Still a Robot)

AI isn’t great at picking up on the nuances of human emotion. Your posts need that human touch to connect with guests on a deeper level.

Lazy Tip: Drop in your personal insights or anecdotes to make AI-generated content more relatable and heartfelt.

❌ 3. Watch Out for Errors and Plagiarism

AI is smart, but it's still working off algorithms, which means it can make mistakes—or worse, spit out something a little too similar to existing content. Not what you want for your brand.

Takeaway: Always review AI content for accuracy and run it through a plagiarism checker like Copyscape. Better safe than sorry!

❌ 4. Original Ideas? Not AI’s Strong Suit

AI can crunch data, but it's not the best at generating fresh, innovative ideas. That’s where you come in.

Lazy Tip: Let AI take care of the routine while you focus on the fun part—brainstorm new ideas that make your blog stand out.

❌ 5. Human Editing Is Still Essential

Even the smartest AI needs a little human help. AI might miss some language subtleties that only you can catch.

📋Editing Cheat Sheet:

Check for Tone: Make sure it sounds like you. Adjust wording to add warmth or excitement.

Fact-Check: Double-check stats and references.

Add Personal Insights: Sprinkle in stories or anecdotes.

Polish It Up: Use tools like ProWritingAid to smooth out grammar and readability.

Be Transparent, Not Shady

Your guests appreciate honesty. If you’re using AI to help with your content, be upfront about it. Transparency builds trust and shows that while you use AI for efficiency, your human touch is still at the heart of everything you do.

Takeaway: Mention your AI use casually in your content process. Let guests know AI helps streamline content so you can focus on giving them the best experience possible.

How to Master the Lazy Blogging Game

Using AI isn’t about slacking off; it’s about working smarter. When you use AI to support your creativity (not replace it), blogging becomes less of a task and more of an opportunity to connect with your guests. AI can handle the groundwork, while you focus on adding the personal touches that truly set your property apart.

Your Next Move: Try It Out (No Sweat Required!)

Ready to let AI take the blog load off your shoulders? With Smart Pineapple’s blog builder, creating SEO-friendly content has never been easier. All you need is a topic and some keywords, and our tool does the rest—no technical know-how or hours of writing required. Want to see how simple it can be?

Sign up for a live demo where we'll show you how Smart Pineapple can become your go-to blogging solution!