hotel marketing

Boutique Hotel & Vacation Rental Marketing Essentials - Paid Ads Part 2

If you're looking to quickly boost your property's visibility and attract more guests, you'll discover practical steps to master Google Ads, retargeting, social media advertising, and metasearch strategies.

hotel marketing
August 27, 2024

Hospitality Marketing Essentials - Paid Ads Part 2 🎬

Standing out isn't just a goal—it's a necessity when trying to attract guests. Paying advertising becomes your go-to strategy when you want. It can quickly increase your visibility and reach more potential guests.


Let's look at how you can make the most of it by setting up Google Ads, using retargeting ads, experimenting with social media ads, and considering metasearch ads.

Getting Started with Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help your property appear when people search for places to stay. Here's how you can set it up:

  • Keyword Focus: Choose keywords that speak directly to what you offer. Think about your location, amenities, and any special deals you might have. When you select the right keywords, you ensure that your ads reach those looking for exactly what you provide.
  • Make Your Ads Stand Out: Use ad extensions to add more information. You can include details like free WiFi, your location, or even customer reviews. These little additions make your ads more appealing.
  • Consistency Matters: Ensure that your landing pages match what you promise in your ads. When guests find what they expect, they’re more likely to book.
  • Bid Smartly: Try different bidding strategies to see what works best for your budget. Whether it’s cost-per-click or cost-per-acquisition, find the approach that maximizes your investment.
  • Keep an Eye on Performance: Regularly check your ads' performance. When you see what works, you can make tweaks to get even better results.

Using Retargeting Ads to Reconnect

retargeting ads
Yeah, it seems a little creepy. 👁️

Sometimes, people visit your site but don't book right away. That's where retargeting ads come in. They remind those visitors about your property and bring them back.

  • Know Your Audience: Segment your audience based on their behavior. When you tailor your ads to what they've shown interest in, you're more likely to win them over.
  • Don't Overdo It: Set limits on how often your ads appear. You want to stay on their radar, not become a nuisance.
  • Engage Creatively: Use visuals that catch the eye and copy that speaks directly to your audience. Show them the rooms they looked at or the amenities they seemed interested in.

Exploring Social Media Advertising

Social media offers a unique way to connect with a broader audience. Each platform has its own style, and it's worth experimenting to see what works best for you.

  • Choose Your Platforms Wisely: Focus on where your audience spends their time. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, tailor your ads to fit the platform’s vibe.
  • Try Different Formats: Explore various formats, from videos to carousel ads, to see what grabs attention. Videos, in particular, can bring your property to life.
  • Encourage Interaction: Social media is all about engagement. Use content that invites users to interact, whether it’s a comment, share, or click-through to learn more.

Leveraging Metasearch Ads

Potential guests go to metasearch engines like Google Hotel Ads, TripAdvisor, and Trivago to compare options. Being visible here is crucial.

  • Stand Out in Comparisons: Metasearch ads place you alongside competitors, so it's essential to ensure your offer is clear and compelling. Guests often compare, and you want to be the obvious choice.
  • Drive Direct Bookings: These ads can lead guests directly to your booking engine, cutting out the go-between and increasing your profitability.

Take the Next Step 👣

Paid advertising is more than just a tool. When you effectively use Google Ads, retargeting, social media, and metasearch ads, you're not just boosting visibility—you're driving bookings and building lasting relationships with your guests. Start refining your strategy today and see how quickly you can make an impact.

Paid advertising is more than just a tool; it's essential to staying competitive in the hospitality industry. When you effectively use Google Ads, retargeting, social media, and metasearch ads, you're not just boosting visibility—you're driving bookings and building lasting relationships with your guests. Start refining your strategy today and see how quickly you can make an impact.

Additional Resources to Deepen Your Understanding

To help you delve deeper into specific topics related to paid advertising in the hospitality industry, here are some recommended resources, including tutorials, webinars, and industry reports:

Tutorials and Guides

  • Google Ads for Hotels: A Complete Guide - This guide from INNsight walks you through setting up and optimizing Google Ads specifically for hotels. It covers everything from writing compelling ad copy to conducting keyword research. Read the Guide
  • Google Hotel Ads Guide - Learn how to set up and manage hotel campaigns with Google Ads, focusing on strategies that boost your ad ranking and optimize your bidding. Explore the Guide
  • HawkSEM Blog on Google Ads - Offers practical insights on setting up and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. It includes tips on using free booking links and integrating with partners. Visit the Blog


  • Travel Media Group Hotel Marketing Webinars - Tune into monthly webinars that dive into digital marketing trends and provide actionable tips to help increase your hotel's revenue. Check Out the Webinars
  • Gracesoft Hospitality Webinars - These webinars cover a range of topics, including using Google Free Booking Links, integrating with OTAs like and Expedia, and exploring the impact of AI on hospitality. Watch the Webinars

Industry Reports and Articles

  • WebFX Hotel Industry Statistics - This report comprehensively overviews hotel marketing statistics, including digital advertising spend and engagement rates across various platforms. Read the Report
  • EHL Insights on Hospitality Industry Statistics - Get a detailed update on the hospitality industry's current state and future outlook, including trends and growth projections. Explore the Insights
  • Community Marketing for Hospitality Brands - An insightful article from Stay the Night that discusses the benefits of community marketing and how to integrate it into your hospitality marketing strategies. Read the Article

These resources are designed to help you better understand paid advertising strategies and stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices. Whether you're just getting started or looking to refine your approach, these tools will equip you with the knowledge you need to succeed.


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