
Curious How Virtual Tours Can Boost Your Bookings? Let’s Find Out!

Virtual tours and immersive content offer small hoteliers and vacation rental owners a great way to connect with guests, showing off their property and local attractions before they even arrive, which is a key part of hospitality marketing essentials.

September 2, 2024

Guide to Virtual Tours and Experiences for Small Hoteliers and Rentals

Have you ever wondered how you could connect with potential guests before they even step foot on your property? Virtual tours and experiences are the key to not just showcasing your property but creating a connection that resonates with guests long before they arrive. In today’s digital age, small hoteliers and vacation rental owners can leverage these tools to stand out in a crowded market and build lasting relationships with their audience. This guide explores the power of virtual tours and how to create immersive online content, focusing on 360-degree tours, live virtual events, and showcasing local attractions through virtual experiences.

Creating 360-degree Virtual Tours

Imagine your guests navigating through your property online, exploring every corner as if they were there in person. This is the reality that 360-degree virtual tours offer. These immersive experiences give potential guests a complete view of your property, giving them the confidence to book with you.

Boosting Engagement and Bookings: Think about the last time you booked a stay—what helped you decide? Virtual tours allow guests to explore every detail, reducing uncertainty and significantly boosting engagement and booking rates.

Get Started: High-quality panoramic photography or video can capture your property from all angles. Tools like Matterport help you create detailed 3D tours that integrate seamlessly into your website. Highlight the features that make your property unique—whether it’s a breathtaking view or a cozy room design, these details matter.

Maximize Effectiveness: Make it interactive, not just offer a static view. Adding clickable information hotspots that provide more details about your amenities will keep guests engaged and informed. Imagine them learning about your property’s unique features as they virtually explore, making them more likely to choose your property over others.

Hosting Live Virtual Events

Have you ever considered hosting a live event to showcase your property? Live virtual events allow you to engage with potential guests in real time, bringing your property to life in a way that static images or pre-recorded videos cannot.

Types of Events: Whether a virtual open house, a Q&A session, or a live tour of local attractions, these events offer endless opportunities to connect with a global audience without geographical limits.

Boost Visibility and Connection: Hosting live events can increase your property’s visibility and create personal connections with your audience. Imagine answering questions from potential guests during a live Q&A session, building trust and rapport that can lead to bookings.

Drive Attendance:

  1. Promote your event across social media and newsletters to reach a wider audience.
  2. During the event, keep viewers engaged with live chat, polls, and other interactive features.
  3. Imagine your guests feeling more connected to your property as they participate in real-time.

Highlighting Local Attractions with Virtual Experiences

What if you could give your guests a taste of the local culture before they even arrive? Virtual experiences do just that, positioning your property as the gateway to local adventures.

Use VR and AR: Imagine transporting your guests to a local landmark or cultural event through Virtual Reality (VR) or enhancing their real-world experiences with Augmented Reality (AR). These immersive technologies make it possible.

Collaborate for Impact: Partnering with local businesses or tourism boards to create comprehensive virtual experiences can enrich your guest’s journey. Picture offering a virtual cooking class with a local chef or a guided tour of a historical site—these experiences strengthen your property’s connection to the local area.

Monetize Strategically

How can you turn these virtual experiences into additional revenue streams? Here are some strategies you can implement to effectively monetize your virtual offerings:

  1. Tiered Pricing for Virtual Experiences:
    • Basic Access: Start by offering a free or low-cost basic virtual tour to attract a wide audience. Imagine potential guests getting a simple walkthrough of your property, enough to pique their interest.
    • Premium Access: Charge a fee for a more comprehensive experience. Picture offering detailed room tours, interactive hotspots, and exclusive access to certain areas of your property, providing an elevated experience.
    • Subscription Model: Consider a subscription model where guests pay a monthly or annual fee to access a series of virtual experiences. Imagine them returning season after season to see what’s new, fostering loyalty and generating consistent revenue.
  2. Bundled Packages:
    • Experience Bundles: Combine virtual experiences with physical stays. For example, imagine offering a virtual tour of local attractions bundled with a discounted room rate for guests who book a stay.
    • Event Packages: Host virtual events, such as cooking classes or wine tastings, that can be bundled with future bookings. Picture this bringing in immediate revenue and encouraging guests to plan their next stay with you.
  3. Pay-Per-Use Model:
    • On-Demand Experiences: Charge guests for access to specific virtual experiences. Imagine offering a guided virtual tour of a nearby historical site or a VR experience of a local festival, allowing guests to pay only for the experiences they are interested in.
  4. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses or attractions to offer joint virtual experiences. Picture partnering with a local museum to create a virtual tour that includes the hotel and the museum, sharing revenue from ticket sales.
    • Tourism Boards: Work with tourism boards to create comprehensive virtual experiences that showcase the region. Imagine attracting more visitors through these collaborations, all while generating additional revenue.
  5. Additional Revenue Streams:
    • Merchandising: Sell branded merchandise or souvenirs through the virtual tour platform. Picture guests purchasing hotel-branded apparel or local crafts, adding a personal touch to their virtual experience.
    • Advertising: Incorporate advertising into the virtual tour experience. Imagine local businesses paying to havetheir products or services featured within your tour, providing an additional revenue stream.

Independent and Boutique Hotels Using Virtual Tours

virtual tours case study
Case Study by Virtual Tours LLC

Imagine being an independent or smaller boutique hotel competing with larger chains. Virtual tours level the playing field, allowing you to showcase your property in ways traditional photographs and videos cannot.

Independent Hotels: By offering a 360-degree view of their facilities, independent hotels provide potential guests with a realistic sense of the hotel’s layout, amenities, and decor. Imagine how much more confident your guests will feel booking after virtually exploring your property.

Smaller Boutique Hotels: Boutique hotels, often operating with fewer resources, can use virtual tours as a game-changer. Imagine attracting guests who may have previously overlooked your property, now captivated by the unique offerings showcased through immersive virtual experiences.

Enhancing the Booking Process with Virtual Experiences

virtual tours vacation rentals

Have you considered how virtual experiences could enhance your booking process? These tools do more than showcase your property—they build trust and set you apart in a crowded market.

Build Trust: Imagine offering a 360-degree virtual tour that gives guests a detailed, transparent view of your property. This helps them understand clearly what to expect, reducing the chances of unmet expectations.

Stand Out: In a competitive market, a well-executed virtual tour can differentiate your property. Imagine showcasing what makes your property unique in a way that leaves a lasting impression on potential guests.

Increase Conversions: Virtual experiences give potential guests a clear understanding of what to expect, improving conversion rates and reducing bounce rates on booking platforms. Picture your website becoming a top choice simply because guests can see exactly what they’re booking.

Boost SEO: Search engines favor rich, engaging content. Integrating virtual tours into your website enhances your search engine rankings, increasing your property’s visibility to potential guests.

Reach a Global Audience: Virtual tours and experiences extend your property’s reach to a global market, ensuring it appeals to travelers worldwide. Imagine your property being discovered by guests from all over the world simply through a virtual experience.

Adding virtual tours and experiences into your hospitality marketing strategy definitely provides big benefits. As a small hotelier or vacation rental owner, these tools allow you to offer guests an immersive, interactive preview of their stay, building trust and engagement long before they arrive. Embrace these digital innovations to attract a wider audience, increase bookings, and create memorable experiences that start online.

By leveraging virtual tours and experiences, you’re not just showcasing your property—you’re inviting potential guests into a story they’ll be eager to be part of. Imagine the possibilities when your virtual experiences leave a lasting impression, turning potential guests into loyal customers.

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