
Whats it gonna be? Expedia or

Not sure whether to list your rental on Expedia or We’ve got the breakdown on what makes each platform tick, so you can pick the best fit for your property!

September 30, 2024

Expedia vs. The Real Deal for Hosts

Everyone knows about Airbnb and Vrbo, but they are not the only giants. Two other big players: Expedia and Each have their perks, but which one fits your property best? Here's the scoop.

Expedia and Compared

Expedia is like the Swiss Army knife of travel sites.

expedia features

Flights? Check.

Car rentals? Got it.

Hotels and vacation rentals? Absolutely.

Travelers use Expedia to plan their entire trip, from booking flights to choosing a place to stay. is all about places to stay. features

It's the go-to for booking a place and nothing else ("booking" its in the name). No matter if its a hotel, apartmens, or vacation rental. Great for last-minute bookings. Ideal for extended stays; and that means more eyes on your property.

Target Audience: Who Are You Aiming For?

expedia vs comparison

  • Expedia: Attracts those looking for an all-in-one travel solution. Think of it as the "I want to book my entire vacation in one place" type of traveler. Perfect if your rental is near popular attractions, airports or offers travel extras.
  • Caters to travelers hunting for a wide variety of lodging options. Listing here is your ticket to reaching everyone from business travelers to weekend explorers. Highlight things like free Wi-Fi, self-check-in, or proximity to local spots to catch their eye.

Listing Strategy: Tailoring Your Approach

  • Expedia: If your property fits nicely into a travel package, go with Expedia. Showcase how staying at your place can be part of a bigger adventure. Is your rental near the airport or close to popular excursions? Mention it! Bonus points if you can bundle services, like offering an airport shuttle or local tours.
  • If you're all about maximizing your property's visibility among people specifically searching for places to stay, is where it's at. Highlight your property's unique features. Does it have a cozy reading nook or a fantastic garden view? Let it shine.

The Fee Situation: What to Know

• Expedia: Charges a commission on bookings, and fees vary depending on the accommodation type. Make sure to adjust your Pricing to cover this without overcharging your guests.

• Takes a commission too, but also has set policies around cancellations, refunds, and guest services. Be upfront in your listing about any fees or policies, so guests know what to expect.

Cross-Listing: Why Not Both?

Which one to pick? Here's a thought—why not both? Listing your property on both platforms can:

• Broaden Your Audience: You'll catch travelers planning their entire trip on Expedia and those just searching for a fantastic place to stay on

• Boost Bookings: Cross-listing exposes your property to different traveler segments. More eyes on your listing = more chances for bookings.

How to Optimize Your Listings Like a Pro

Tailoring your listing to each platform's audience is the secret sauce. Here's how to do it:


✔ Highlight the Extras: Talk about how your property can fit into a traveler's bigger plans. Are you near famous attractions or transportation hubs? Do you offer perks like airport pickup or tickets to local events? Make sure that info is front and center.

✔ Details, details, details: Showcase what makes your place special. Got a private garden, a cozy fireplace, or an epic kitchen setup? Mention it.'s audience loves unique features that make their stay memorable.

Add High-Quality Photos

Good visuals are game-changers. Show off your property's best angles, inside and out. Include photos of nearby attractions, too—paint the full picture for guests.

Be Clear with Info

Give the lowdown on amenities, house rules, and guest services. The clearer you are, the fewer questions guests will have, making it easier for them to book.

Nailing the Fee Game

Both platforms charge commissions (10-30%). Here's how to handle that without losing bookings:

💡 Tip: Adjust your nightly rates to cover the commission fees. But don't just jack up the price. Instead, think about what extra value you can add, like a free parking spot or a welcome basket, to justify the cost.


• Expedia: They collect payments from guests and transfer the rest to you after taking their cut. Simple.

• You handle payments directly, giving you more flexibility with your terms. Want to offer discounts for direct bookings? This could be your way to do it.

What About Global Reach?

  • Expedia: Big in the U.S. market.
  • Dominates Europe. If you're trying to attract international travelers, this could be your deciding factor.

Pro Tips for Cross-Listing

Considering listing on both Expedia and Smart move.

Here's how to keep things smooth:

💡 Use Property Management Software: Sync your calendars across platforms to avoid double bookings. It's a lifesaver.

💡 Adjust Pricing Smartly: Each platform has tools to help you set competitive rates. Use's derived Pricing or Expedia's MarketMaker to stay on top of market trends.

Decisions, decisions.

Ask yourself, when picking between Expedia and

  • Who's my ideal guest? (Vacation planner vs. accommodation hunter)
  • Can I adjust my rates to cover commission fees without scaring off guests?
  • Do I need specific management tools for handling guest communication and Pricing?

Final Thoughts:

Comfort, fit, comfort.

Deciding between Expedia and comes down to your property's unique needs and the guests you want to attract.

Expedia is all about the whole travel package VS. focuses on lodging. Cross-listing on both sites maxs your exposure.

It does not matter what site you choose, just remember to customize your listings and keeping information up-to-date will pay off. The more effort you put into optimizing your listings, the more bookings and guest satisfaction you'll see.


Your property is more than just a place to stay—it's part of your guests' experience. Make it count!

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